Download and Update the SDKs

This chapter will teach you how to download and update the SDKs.

Download the SDKs

Method 1: Download the SDKs from the Download Links

You can get the latest SDKs from the following links:

Method 2: Download the SDKs from the ParaSpace Website

You can get the SDKs from the following link:

Update the SDKs

Method 1: Use the Built-In Update Feature of the SDKs

  • When you open an SDK, if a newer version is available, a dialog box pops up automatically. Click "Update" in the dialog box.
  • If no dialog box pops up, on the top of the Unity interface, open the Para Avatar SDK or Para World SDK menu and click "Update SDK" to update.

Method 2: Uninstall and Import New SDKs

  1. Open the Avatar or World project for which the SDK is to be uninstalled.
  2. On the top of the Unity interface, Find Uninstall in the Para World SDK or Para Avatar SDK menu.
  3. Click “Uninstall”. The uninstallation will take some time. Please wait patiently.

  1. Download the latest SDK.
  2. Drag and drop the downloaded SDK into the Unity project.