Para Interactive Object


Interactive Object Component:

The component is mounted on an object, so that the object's outline is displayed when something enters the object’s interactive range. Besides, it allows you to add a post-interaction behavior. All this makes it easier for you to create an interactive object in a world.

Interactive range:

Interaction Property NameProperty Description
RangeBy selecting this type, you can generate a ball-shaped collider at the center of the object. Enter numbers to change the size of the range.
AreaBy selecting this type, you can go to Interaction Collider and drag the custom collider to define the interactive range.

Interaction Text & Outline:

Interaction Property NameProperty Description
Interaction TextEnters the text to be displayed on the interaction button.
OutlineWhen selected, the interactive object's outline will be displayed once something enters its range.

Interaction Mode:

Interaction Property NameProperty Description
ClickInteractive behaviors are triggered only when the interaction buttons or the 3D objects within the scene are clicked.
PressInteractive behaviors are triggered only when the interaction buttons or the 3D objects within the scene are pressed.
Click UpInteractive behaviors are triggered only when the interaction buttons or the 3D objects within the scene are lifted.

Interaction Button:

Interaction Property NameProperty Description
Interaction ButtonSpecifies whether to display the interaction button. When selected, the interaction button is displayed with detailed properties expanded below. When unselected, the interaction button is not displayed.
Button PositionSpecifies the button location. The available options are Hand and Addtive. The former indicates the hand button, while the latter indicates the assist button. You can select based on your demands.
InteractableSpecifies whether a button is interactable. It is selected by default. When unselected, the interaction button does not work.
Normal ImageIndicates the default image of a button.
Pressed ImageIndicates the image when a button is pressed.
Disabled ImageIndicates the image when a button is disabled.
Button TextSpecifies whether to display the text on an interaction button. When selected, the properties of the text are shown below.
TextEnters the text to be displayed on a button.
Text SizeEnters the font size to change the text size.
Text ColorChanges the color and the Alpha value of text.


Hand Button & Assist Button

The followings show how the two buttons are displayed on the page.


Post-interaction Behaviors:

Interaction Property NameProperty Description
Interactive ActionSets the number of behaviors to be triggered. The default value is 0.
DataDrags an object that contains a script.
Method NameEnters the method name in an object's script to trigger a specific method.