Para Art Board

ParaArtBoard Component Properties

ParaArtBoard (free canvas): With its free canvas features, ParaArtBoard allows you to collaborate with your friends in the same World in painting and writing with greater flexibility.

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
Allow Guest ControlbooltrueWhether to allow non-Master players to use ParaArtBoard
RT ShowbooltrueWhether to use RenderTexture for rendering (This property is read-only and cannot be changed during runtime.)
Screen RendererMesh/The render target, which is the free canvas rendered on the model
Text ComponentPrefab/The prefab that is relied on by text editing in the canvas (This property is read-only and we recommend you remain it unchanged.)
Brush Min Sizebyte5The minimum value of the brush and eraser size
Brush Max Sizebyte15The maximum value of the brush and eraser size
Max HVGAint1024The resolution of the canvas screen (We recommend you set it to a value no more than 1,024 for reduced bandwidth consumption.)
Brush ColorList/The brush color value
Text ColorList/The text color value
Background ColorList/The background color value

How to Quickly Enable ParaArtBoard

For your convenience, we offer you examples to enable ParaArtBoard. Go to ParaWorldSDK > Examples, and then find the prefab ParaArtBoard and place it in your scene. After adjusting the component properties to your demands, you can try out ParaArtBoard's features.

Thanks to the component integration feature of Para Screen Controller, you can also use ParaArtBoard together with other components. Go unleash your creativity.