Networking-related APIs
This section lists all networking-related APIs for your reference.
ParaScript.HasOwnership | Determines if you own the current object yourself. |
ParaScript.GetOwner | Directly obtains the player object of an owner. |
ParaScript.IsOwner | Determines if a player is the owner of the current object. |
ParaScript.RequestOwnership | Requests ownership. |
ParaScript.SetOwner | Sets a new owner. This API can only be invoked by owners. |
ParaScript.SendMessageToOwner | Sends messages to an owner. |
ParaScript.SendMessageToAll | Sends messages to all players, including yourself. |
ParaScript.SendMessageToTarget | Sends messages to a certain player. |
ParaScript.OwnerCall | Invokes a certain function of an owner. |
ParaScript.TargetCall | Invokes a certain function of a player. |
ParaScript.OnNetSpawned | This event is sent to everyone when a network object is generated. This event can be used to listen in on any changes made to a certain synchronization variable. |
ParaScript.OnOwnershipRequest | This event is sent to the owner, who will receive an ownership request. |
ParaScript.OnOwnershipTransferred | This event is sent to everyone when ownership is transferred. |
ParaNetService.isNetisNetworkSettled | Specifies whether the room data has been completely synchronized. |
ParaNetService.OnNetworkSettled | This event is triggered when the room data has been completely synchronized. You can listen in on this event whenever you want to initialize your client. |
Synchronization Variable API
SetValue | Assigns a value to the synchronization variable. |
GetValue | Gets the value of a synchronization variable. |
OnValueChange | This event is triggered when a synchronization variable changes. |
Updated over 2 years ago