Para Water Area

You can use the ParaWaterArea component to create a water area in your World. When a character enters the water, its movement mode automatically changes to swimming. In addition, when the camera enters the water collider, the underwater foggy effect will be created.

Note: The ParaWaterArea component must be used together with a BoxCollider that matches the 3D water space.

Component Properties

The ParaWaterArea component can be used to configure underwater fog parameters, which are the same as the global fog parameters.

Parameter NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
Fog ModeEnumLinearDefines the way the fog accumulates as the distance from the camera changes.
FogbooltrueIndicates whether to enable underwater fog.
Fog Start Distancefloat0.2Sets the distance from the camera at which the fog starts fading in.
Fog End Distancefloat3.0Sets the distance from the camera at which the fog completely obscures scene GameObjects.
Fog ColorColorGrayUses the color picker to set the color the Unity uses to draw fog in the scene.
Fog Densityfloat0.2Controls fog density. A higher value means denser fog.