

Defines the ParaSpace world. Only one ParaWorldRoot object can be created for each world.


ContentIDUnique ID of the world.
ContentTypeThe content status in the world (Newly created or modified).
CrouchSpeedCrouch speed in the world.
CustomCameraListCustom camera list.
JumpHeightSets the jump height.
MaxSpeedMovement speed in the world.
ObjectBehaviourAtRespawnSpecifies the operation to perform when a PickUp Object falls out of the world. Options:
Destroy: Deletes the PickUp Object
Respawn: Respawns the PickUp to where it started
RespawnHeightYThe Player's respawning height or the PickUp Object's respawning/destroying height.
SpawnsThe Transform Array is referenced by the world spawn point.
SpawnOrderRules for spawn point. Options:
First: Always use the first spawn point to spawn users
Sequential: Spawn users sequentially
Random: Spawn users randomly