

Portal component. Used to configure portal properties.

Players in one world can use the portal to teleport to other worlds.
Each portal is associated with only one world ID. Creators can configure multiple portals and store such portals in their own world.

When a player goes near the portal, the portal will open, and the player can choose whether to switch places.
If the player chooses to go through the portal, the player will preferably enter a stored room in this world; otherwise, the player will enter a new room.
During a short time span, when the portal opens, all players going through the portal are highly likely to enter the same room.

If a player wants to enter a new room, the player can click "Create" to create a temporary portal.


InteractionRangeInteraction distance of the portal.
PortalMeshThe image of the portal's destination world.
PortalNameThe name of the portal
PortalNameTextThe Name display control of the portal.
PortalTimeTextA time display control for the temporary Portal. This parameter is ineffective for permanent Portals.
WorldIDID of the destination world associated with the Portal.