

ok, data = GetCurrentPage()


Return Values

Response NameTypeDescription
okintIf the value is 0, the operation is successful. The subsequent fields are the obtained value and detailed information.
datatableIf the operation is successful, all data on the current page is returned. Otherwise, an error message is returned.


Gets all data on the current page.

The returned data is stored in a table. The actual type of the data in the table varies depending on the source of the ParaDataPages instance.

  • If the ParaDataPages instance is created by using the ParaDataStore.ListVersion API, the type of the data stored in the table is ParaDataInfo.
  • If the ParaDataPages instance is created by using the ParaDataStore.ListKeys API, the type of the data stored in the table is string.
  • If the ParaDataPages instance is created by using the ParaDataStore.ListValues API, the type of the data stored in the table is ParaDataInfo.
  • If the ParaDataPages instance is created by using the ParaOrderedDataStore.ListSortedData API, the type of the data stored in the table is ParaOrderedDataInfo.