

Built-in UI service, which is used to access and set the properties and display of built-in UI.


UiLayerDrawing layers of the UI adaptation solution of ParaSpace

Static Methods

GetInteractionButtonReturns the built-in interactive button
GetJoyStickControlReturns the built-in joystick
GetDefaultIconReturns the built-in icon
ShowCameraSwitchSpecifies whether to display the camera switch button
ShowExpressionButtonA button to enable/disable the expression
OpenLaunchPadShows the main menu
CloseLaunchPadHides the main menu
OpenUserPanelOpens the user panel
AddUIToSystemAdds UI to the adaptation solution of ParaSpace
ShowPlayerNumberDisplays the room capacity control
HidePlayerNumberHides the room capacity control
OpenCreatorGuideOpens the creator guide
CloseCreatorGuideCloses the creator guide
OpenChatInputFieldOpens a quick chat and displays the system input box