

ok, pages = ListVersionsData(string key, boolean isAsce, int pageSize, double minDate, double maxDate)


Parameter NameTypeDescription
keystringKey of the version information to be retrieved.
isAsceboolSpecifies whether the data is sorted in ascending order. The value true indicates that the data is sorted in ascending order, while the value false indicates the opposite.
pageSizeintNumber of data entries on a single page.
minDateDateTimeTime when the earliest version is created.
maxDateDateTimeTime when the latest version is created.

Return Values

Response NameTypeDescription
okintIf the value is 0, the operation is successful. The subsequent fields are the obtained value and detailed information.
pagesstring or ParaDataPagesIf the operation is successful, the obtained page object is returned. Otherwise, an error message is returned.


Gets all version information of a specified key within a specified time period.