

Custom PickUp component. It describes the mounting point of the custom PickUp objects, whether other players can seize them, and how to configure and display the properties of different buttons (main buttons and sub-buttons).


Property NameProperty TypeDefault ValueProperty Description
Interaction TypeCS.InteractionTypeRangeIndicates the type of object interaction range.:
- Range: Default type. You can enter inputs to modify the range.
- Area: You can drag a custom Collider to modify the interaction range.
Interaction Rangefloat1.5Indicates the interactive range of an object, which is valid when the Interaction Type is set to CS.InteractionType.Range.
Interaction AreaUnityEngine.CollidernullIndicates the interactive range of an object, which is valid when the Interaction Type is set to CS.InteractionType.Area.
Prompt TextString""Indicates the interactivity hint text of an object.
OutlinebooltrueSpecifies whether to enable outlines of interactive objects.
- true: Enables outline effect. Default value.
- false: Disables outline effect.
Interaction ModeCS.Interaction3DTypeClickIndicates the interaction type: (interaction type of 3D objects and interaction buttons within the scene)
- Click: Click the object.
- Press: Press the object.
-ClickUp: Release the click from the object.
Interaction ButtonbooltrueSpecifies whether to enable 2D interactive buttons.
- true: Enable interactions by default.
- false: Disable interactions.
Button PostionCS.InteractiveButtonTypeHandIndicates the button type.
- Hand: Hand button
- Additive: Other interactive buttons
HandButtonCS.ParaButtonNoActionsValid when the Button Postion is set to CS.InteractiveButtonType.Hand
AdditiveButtonCS.ParaButtonNoActionsValid when the Button Postion is set to CS.InteractiveButtonType.Additive
PickupTypeCS.PickupTypeIndicates the pickup time.
- Any:
- Custom: Custom PickUp position
LeftLocationUnityEngint.TransformSpecifies the position for holding an object after pickup in the left hand.
RightLocationUnityEngint.TransformSpecifies the position for holding an object after pickup in the right hand.
AllowDropbooleantrueSpecifies whether dropping is allowed.
- true: Allow, default value
- false: Not allow
AllowTheftbooleanfalseSpecifies whether you allow other players to steal from you after pickup.
- true: Allow
- false: Not allow
MainButtonTypeCS.MainInteractButtonTypeMain Button Type
IsShowMainButtonbooleanSpecifies whether to show the main button.
- true: Show
- false: Don't show
MainButtonCS.ParaButtonSpecifies the property of the main button after pickup, which is valid when the MainButtonType is set to CS.MainInteractButtonType.Button.
MainJoyStickCS.ParaJoyStickSpecifies the property of the main joystick after pickup, which is valid when the MainButtonType is set to CS.MainInteractButtonType.Stick
WaveJoyStickCS.ParaJoyStickSpecifies the property of the wave joystick after pickup.
IsShowFirstSubButtonbooleanfalseSpecifies whether to show the first sub-button.
- true: Show
- false: Don't show
FirstSubButtonCS.ParaButtonSpecifies the property of the first sub-button after pickup.
IsShowSecondSubButtonbooleanfalseSpecifies whether to show the second sub-button.
- true: Show
- false: Don't show
SecondSubButtonCS.ParaButtonSpecifies the property of the second sub-button after pickup.

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