

targetCameraThe camera used for broadcasting (read-only)
allowGuestControlWhether to allow non-Master players to control the live camera (read-only)
screenRendererThe render target (read-only)
screenAspectRatioThe aspect ratio of the render target (read-only)
backgroundTypeThe background image mode, which is set to BackgroundType.StaticImage by default.
customCameraBackgroundThe custom background
customCameraCubemapThe custom skybox map. During import
maxPlayerCountThe maximum number of characters that can be rendered when the restriction on the number of characters is enabled
customLayerIndexThe layer of renderable characters when the restriction on the number of characters is enabled
playerLimitTypeThe rule for renderable characters when the restriction on the number of characters is enabled


onAllowGuestControlChangedTriggered when the AllowGuestControl property is changed
onSetCustomCameraBackgroundUrlEventTriggered when the custom background is changed


SetAllowGuestControlSets whether to allow non-Master players to control the live camera.
SetCustomCameraBackgroundSets the custom background.
AddPlayerEntityAdds a player to the allowlist of renderable characters.
RemovePlayerEntityRemoves a player from the allowlist of renderable characters.
ClearAllPlayerEntityClears the allowlist of renderable characters.