

A general-purpose minimap component, which can be easily integrated into your game world and expanded into a large map UI.


Component property nameProperty description
ParaMiniMap.mapModeThe current minimap type. When it is set to Local, the main character always faces upwards, and the map rotates as the character angle changes. When it is set to Global, the main character rotates as angle changes, while the map does not rotate.
ParaMiniMap.defaultsizeThe height to look down on the main character on the minimap. The higher the height, the bigger the vision, and the smaller the main character.
ParaMiniMap.mainPlayerIconThe player's icon on the minimap.
ParaMiniMap.mainPlayerIconColorThe color of the player's icon on the minimap.
ParaMiniMap.otherPlayerIconIcons of other players on the minimap.
ParaMiniMap.otherPlayerDeathIconIcons of other players on the minimap after they die.
ParaMiniMap.otherPlayerIconSizeThe size of the icons of other players on the minimap.
ParaMiniMap.otherPlayerIconOffScreenSizeThe size of the icons of other players outside the visible range of the minimap is generally smaller than the original size.
ParaMiniMap.miniMapOpacityThe transparency of the minimap.

Public method

Method nameMeaning
ParaMiniMap.SetMinimapBoundsIndexSets which group of configuration files the minimap switches to, such as the minimap background image and the corresponding map area.