

A component that can play online music.


Component Property NameProperty Description
isPlayingIndicates whether the current music is being played.
isSyncSpecifies whether to synchronize or not. If it is set to true, the same music will be played back in the same progress for each player.
playingTimeThe playback time of the current music.
totalTimeThe total duration of the current music.
strVideoUrlYou can enter the URL to an online song here. The song will be played during runtime.
volumeThe volume of the current music.
playTypeThe playback order of the music list.

Public Methods

ChangeVideoUrlSwitches to the URL of a new song.
ForwardSets the playback progress forward for X second(s).
PlayVideoPlays the video.
PlayVideo(int index)Plays the nth video.
PauseVideoPauses the video.
RestartReplays the video.
RewindSets the playback progress backward for X second(s).
SetTimeSets the playback progress to the Xth second.
SetVolumeSets the music volume.
ShowVideoPreViewOpens the Youtube panel.
CloseVideoPreViewCloses the Youtube panel.
OnPreMusic()Plays the previous song.
OnNextMusic()Plays the next song.