A component that can play online music.
Component Property Name | Property Description |
isPlaying | Indicates whether the current music is being played. |
isSync | Specifies whether to synchronize or not. If it is set to true, the same music will be played back in the same progress for each player. |
playingTime | The playback time of the current music. |
totalTime | The total duration of the current music. |
strVideoUrl | You can enter the URL to an online song here. The song will be played during runtime. |
volume | The volume of the current music. |
playType | The playback order of the music list. |
Public Methods
ChangeVideoUrl | Switches to the URL of a new song. |
Forward | Sets the playback progress forward for X second(s). |
PlayVideo | Plays the video. |
PlayVideo(int index) | Plays the nth video. |
PauseVideo | Pauses the video. |
Restart | Replays the video. |
Rewind | Sets the playback progress backward for X second(s). |
SetTime | Sets the playback progress to the Xth second. |
SetVolume | Sets the music volume. |
ShowVideoPreView | Opens the Youtube panel. |
CloseVideoPreView | Closes the Youtube panel. |
OnPreMusic() | Plays the previous song. |
OnNextMusic() | Plays the next song. |