

ok, pages = GetSortedData(bool ascending, int pagesize, int minPage = -1, int maxPage = -1)


Parameter NameTypeDescription
ascendingboolSpecifies whether the data is sorted in ascending order. The value true indicates that the data is sorted in ascending order, while the value false indicates the opposite.
pageSizeintNumber of data entries on a single page.
minPageintStarting page number. If you leave this parameter empty, this method gets and sorts data starting from page 0. 0 is the minimum page number.
maxDateintEnding page number. If you leave this parameter empty, this method gets and sorts data on all pages. 0 is the minimum page number.

Return Values

Response NameTypeDescription
okintIf the value is 0, the operation is successful. The subsequent fields are the obtained value and detailed information.
pagesstring or DataStorePagesIf the operation is successful, the obtained information is returned in pagination mode. Otherwise, an error message is returned.


Gets all data sets sorted by value from a DataStore.