

A component that can play network or local music.


Component property nameProperty description
isSyncSpecifies whether to synchronize. Once this is selected, players will get the same music with the same playback progress. Otherwise, the music will only be played locally.
ParaMusicPlayer.musicClipsThe music list stored in the component. The list type can be either local AudioClip or network music. You can preset music in the list when you create a scene, or you can add new music and delete existing music through APIs at runtime.
ParaMusicPlayer.currentClipIndexThe index of the currently playing music.
ParaMusicPlayer.playOrderThe playback order of the music list. The default value is eMusicPlay_listLoop.
ParaMusicPlayer.volumeGets the volume of the current music. You can get this value, but you cannot assign a new one.
ParaMusicPlayer.musicTimeGets the playback time of the current music. You can get this value, but you cannot assign a new one.
ParaMusicPlayer.interruptedGets whether the current music is interrupted. You can get this value, but you cannot assign a new one.
ParaMusicPlayer.isPlayingGets whether the current music is playing. You can get this value, but you cannot assign a new one.
ParaMusicPlayer.mutedGets whether the current music is muted. You can get this value, but you cannot assign a new one.

Public method