Scene effect parameter settings
Member Class SceneEnvironmentSetting
Property name | Property description |
enableMainLight | Enables or configures the property adjustment panel of the main light. |
mainLightColor | Returns or sets the color property of sunlight. |
mainLightType | Returns or sets the shadow mode of sunlight. |
mainLightStrength | Returns or sets the intensity of sunlight. |
mainLightDir | Returns or sets the direction of sunlight. |
enableShadow | Sets or returns the light shadow mode. The available values are None, Hard, and Soft. |
shadowStrength | Returns or sets the shadow intensity of the main light. |
enableCharacterLight | Enables or disables the property panel of the character light. |
characterLightColor | Returns or sets the color of the character light. |
characterStrenght | Returns or sets the intensity of the character light. |
characterRotation | Returns or sets the rotation of the character light. |
characterAmbientEnable | Enables or disables the light information of the character ambient. |
characterCubemapEnable | Enables or configures the maps panel of the character ambient. |
characterAmbient | Returns or sets the color of the character ambient. |
characterCubemap | Returns or sets the maps of the character ambient. |
fogEnable | Enables or disables the fog information panel for the scene. |
fogColor | Returns or sets the fog color. |
fogMode | Returns or sets the fog mode. The available values are 1, 2, and 3, which indicate Linear, Exponential, and ExponentialSquared respectively. |
startFog | Returns or sets the start distance of fog. |
endFog | Returns or sets the end distance of fog. |
fogDensity | Returns or sets the fog density. |
skyMaterial | Returns or sets the material object of sky. |
flareEnable | Enables or disables the solar flare effect panel. |
LensFlareDataSRP | Returns or sets the data object of solar flare. |
lenFlarePosition | Returns or sets the position of solar flare. |
enablePostProcess | Enables or disables the property panel of the screen post effects. |
BlurAmount | Returns or sets the threshold of screen blur. |
BloomEnabled | Enables or disables the screen bloom effect. |
BloomColor | Returns or sets the screen bloom color. |
BloomThreshold | Returns or sets the threshold of the bloom effect. |
BloomIntensity | Returns or sets the intensity of the bloom effect. |
BloomScatter | Returns or sets the scattering intensity of the bloom effect. |
LUT | Enables or disables the color lookup table effect for Color Grading. |
LutAmount | Returns or sets the number of colors for Color Grading. |
SourceLut | Returns or sets the map object of the look-up table. |
ImageFiltering | Enables or disables the image filtering effect. |
Color | Returns or sets the filtering color for images. |
Contrast | Returns or sets the image contrast. |
Brightness | Returns or sets the image brightness. |
Saturation | Returns or sets the image saturation. |
Exposure | Returns or sets the image exposure. |
Gamma | Returns or sets the gamma value of images. |
ChromaticAberration | Enables or disables the chromatic aberration effect for images. |
Offset | Returns or sets the chromatic aberration offset of images. |
FishEyeDistortion | Returns or sets the fisheye lens distortion. |
Distortion | Enables or disables the lens distortion effect. |
LensDistortion | Returns or sets the fisheye lens distortion. |
Vignette | Enables or disables the screen vignette effect. |
VignetteColor | Returns or sets the screen vignette color. |
VignetteAmount | Returns or sets the threshold of the screen vignette color. |
VignetteSoftness | Returns or sets the softness of the screen vignette color. |
Public method
Method name | Feature description |
SetupLensFlare | Creates a solar flare object in the current scene, and associates with the default data object of LensFlareComponentSRP. |
SetupPostProcessObj | Creates a post-processing object in the current scene. |
SetupEnvfog | Sets the fog parameter of the current scene. |
ChangeMainLight | Modifies the character light parameter of the current scene. |
SetupAvatarLight | Creates a character light object in the current scene. |
LoadJson | Loads the environment configuration information from the pbjson file. |
Change | Transitions from the current environment to the target environment within the specified time frame. |