

AllowGuestControlWhether to allow non-Master players to control the para art board (read-only).
brushMinSizeThe minimum value of the brush size.
brushMaxSizeThe maximum value of the brush size.
eraserMinSizeThe minimum value of the eraser size.
eraserMaxSizeThe maximum value of the eraser size.
maxHVGAThe resolution of the art board.
brushColorThe color list of the brush.
textColorThe color list of the text.
backgroundColorThe color value of the background.


onBackgroundChangedTriggered when the background color is changed.
onLoadCompleteTriggered when the web data synchronization is completed.


SetAllowGuestControlSets whether to allow non-Master players to control the para art board.
SetBrushColorSets the brush color. The input parameter is the index that corresponds to the color selected from the color list.
SetTextColorSets the text color. The input parameter is the index that corresponds to the color selected from the color list.
SetBackgroundColorSets the background color. The input parameter is the index that corresponds to the color selected from the color list.
SetCurrentModeSets the mode of the art board. (1: brush; 2: text editing; 3: background)
SetBrushSets the brush mode.
SetEraserSets the eraser mode.
GetBrushSizeValueGets the brush size.
GetEraserSizeValueGets the eraser size.