

defaultTextureThe default image
targetThe render target (read-only)
screenAspectRatioThe aspect ratio of the render target (read-only)
imageMaxNumThe maximum number of images (read-only)
allowGuestControlWhether to allow non-Master players to control the image player (read-only)
intervalTimeThe interval at which the images will be cyclically played (read-only)
currentIndexThe index of the currently displayed image (read-only)
imageListThe image URL list (read-only)


onAllowGuestControlChangedTriggered when the AllowGuestControl property is changed
onIntervalTimeChangedTriggered when the interval for cyclical playback is changed
onImageIndexChangedTriggered when images are switched
onImagesChangedTriggered when the image list is changed


SetAllowGuestControlSets whether to allow non-Master players to control the image player.
SetIntervalTimeSets the interval at which the images will be cyclically played.
SetImageIndexSets the index of the currently displayed image.
ClearImageListClears the image list.