

The seat component. Defines the sitting position and the leaving position on the set, the interaction distance, and whether to allow the player to switch seats, as well as the animation effects of sitting.


Property NameProperty TypeDefault ValueProperty Description
Interaction TypeCS.InteractionTypeRangeThe type of object interaction range:
- Range: Default style, enter numbers to modify the range
- Area: You can drag it into a custom Collider to modify the interaction range
Interaction Rangenumber1.5The interactive range of the object, which is valid when the Interaction Type is CS.InteractionType.Range.
Interaction AreaUnityEngine.CollidernullThe interactive range of the object, which is valid when the Interaction Type is CS.InteractionType.Area
Prompt Textstring""Interactable hint text of the object
OutlinebooleantrueSpecifies whether to enable interactive outlines
- true: Enables stroke effect. Default value
- false: Disables stroke effect
Player Enter LocationUnityEngine.TransformnullSets the position and direction of the player when sitting
Player Exit LocationUnityEngine.TransformnullSets the position and direction of the player when leaving the seat
Switch Seat From SeatbooleanfalseSpecifies whether to allow the player to go directly from this chair to another chair
CustomSittingAnimationUnityEngine.AnimationClipnullAn animation effect that overrides the original "sitting" animation effect

SDK Path
